Should You Stage
Your Home?

More and more homeowners are embracing staging as an effective sales strategy. 

First impression counts twice.  It is estimated that nine out of ten buyers begin their search for properties online.  So initially they will see your property online. To get physical viewings of your property, you must attract attention both online and offline. 

Even on a limited budget, staging can make a massive difference to the success of your sale.

Surveys show that without fail, home staging increased the number of viewings for a property. Not only does staging increase your number of viewings, it also increases the time potential buyers spend looking at a property, and regularly increases the value of offers.

What is the purpose of home staging?
Staging is designed to create interest and create an aesthetic environment that entices potential buyers to envision themselves living in your home.  It’s about creating an emotional response to show off your home at its best while trying to appeal to the highest number of potential buyers.

Although some people like a “blank canvas”, most prefer to see a home that feels like a home and reveals the true potential of a house.  In today’s market, you need your home to stand out from the crowd.  Staging helps you achieve this.

A nicely staged home can increase the number of potential buyers and the sale price 

You can hire home staging professionals to take the emotion out of staging your own home, as they will know exactly what is needed to attract buyers.  They objectively assess what is required and will work with you to present your home in the best light and show its full potential. 

A professional will:

  • Define who the target market is for your home
  • Research the potential buyers’ demographics and psychographics. 
  • Identify your home’s strengths and what makes it stand out 
  • Create a styling plan and that it is effective and cohesive
  • Ensure you have a cohesive colour scheme and style throughout
  • Stage your property with the buyer in mind – It is all about what potential buyers want to see.

By taking care of the details, staging will create character and atmosphere in your home. The more the buyer is impressed by what they see, the more they can see the potential of the place.

Why go to the Extra Effort?

  • Your home will stand out from the competition
  • Your online photos will look fantastic
  • Potential buyers will be able to visualise themselves living there
  • You will create a perception that the home has been well looked after
  • It is proven to shorten the sales cycle and increase sale prices.